Anisah Zahir.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Love sees with heart.

Well well. Hey hey earthlings :) Assalamualaikum and a very good morning !

Ahahaha. Macam nak kasi speech la pulak kan :) Hmm, kali ni nak post pasal cintan cintun sikit ;p Heee. Entah, suddenly thought of writing a post about LOVE. Ahhhh. Semua mesti gumbiraa kan ? Well, love is something one of the most powerful thing in this world ? Betul eh ? I'm not sure. But, logically maybe la kot. But I think it is not that really powerful unless that particular person knows how to appreciate it kan ? Love is sometimes a happiness and sometimes it may turn out upside down. Betul kan ? It might be one of your worst nightmare ever ! Serious tak tipu. Try to ask those girls la especially la kan, yang heart broken tu, what  would their feedback against love ? Some may say " Ahh, tak kenal dia pun lagi bagus ! ", " Ishh, stop talking about him  boleh ?" and bla bla. Lumrah alam. Girls fall in love with guys and guys fall in love with girls. Based on my experience la kan , hmm. Tak salah kita bercinta. But , yeah there's still but. Hmm, nevermind. Nothing :) Tak payah tahu.

Teenagers nowadays common la if they want to couple or what so ever. Lantak la kan ? But, in my point of view kan, sometimes when we fall in love to someone, it might turn out frustrating. Serious talk. There's a friend of mine la kan, dia ni jenis yang easily fall in love with people. I mean bukanlah senang nak bercintun, it means that she got easily to like for guys. Pantang nampak lelaki humble je, mesti kata, "eh, he seems to be very nice laa and bla bla bla la kan" Alaa, perempuan mana tak suka tengok lelaki yang humble kan ? Mannn, it's one in a million taw tak sekarang ni nak cari lelaki yang humble plus handsome la kan. Hahaha :D

Memang susah laa. Once we found it, berebut rebut perempuan nak nak. Okay, back to the story of the friend of mine, okay. This guy that she fell for, end up suka dekat perempuan lain. And it was like $%^&*( la kan hati dia. Mana tak sedihnyaaa, punya la dia suka mamat ni, tapi mamat ni suka perempuan lain. See ? Sometimes, it hurts a LOT. People just can't see the reality. They just see with their eyes. They don't have the skill in judging people. You guys know what I'm saying right now ? 

I came across this article for the past two days , The Power Of Love

" It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably the best antidepressant there is because one of the most common sources of depression is feeling unloved. Most depressed people don't love themselves and they do not feel loved by others. They also are very self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn the skills of love. "

This was posted by a psychologist , Ellen McGraith.

As for me, as the grown-up teenager, not that really grown up la kan, hmm. It's a lie la if I don't have the intention of having a boyfriend kan. But, sometimes when I thought of it back, I might afraid I shall turn out broken heart. I just don't like it that way. I was once have the intention when I was in primary school. If I had my first boyfriend, I'll make sure it was serious and no playing around. Hahaha :) Immature thinking* Impossible la kan first love would last forever. But. It might be possible if both pandai jaga relationship tu properly. Who knows ? Ada ja married couple yang since primary school. Bahagia sampai dapat anak :D Heeeee* Sometimes, if we appreciate the love tu kan, we can feel the happiness. You can't have a relationship without any fights, but you can make the relationship worth the fight. Well said perhaps. 

" Love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes us feel wonderful again "

All in all, there's is something that I learnt. Being single is way way better than being lied to, cheated on and disrespected. Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry. It can't last forever either.

Lots of love , 

Anisah Zakiah :) 

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