Assalamualaikum and good morning i bet.
Yeahh. It's 12.05 am already :) Hahaha. I just don't realised that somehow. Well, hey hey hoo earthlings. It's been ages since I haven't updated my blog. Apparently, this time I shall write about something what I felt throughout first semester in MJSC Kepala Batas. Macam macam jadi at the early of this year. Suka dan duka bercampur baur laa katakan. Alaaa, that's what live are called. Life is undoubtedly meaningless if there were no ups and downs kan ? Before final semester 1 break, me and my class just got one bad bad news. Yeahhhh. Kinda bad la jugak. Hmm, our one and only humorous physic teacher also known as DEWA just got transferred to MRSM Besut. He was offered as the HEK there. Alhamdulillah rezeki dia. But, he just left us out of nowhere. Haihhh -,-" Dah nak masuk sem 2 dah, SPM is just around corner man. Whose gonna teach us ? It's okay. Setiap pertemuan tu ada perpisahan dia kan ? I believe in that. We cried that day. What makes us more sorrow was that he left us a piece of note. Trust me, that note sangat menyayat hati la jugak. One last sentence that I couldn.t forget is " Thanks for all the memories " We kept that note. He is the only teacher where his class never get serious. Full of silly jokes and teasing people. Hahaha :) Itu yang lainnya dia dari orang lain. All in all, we wish the best of luck cikgu. Do come and visit us ALWAYS ! We shall always welcome you here :) Akan ku ingat sentiasa my right hand grip rule yang magnetic field tu kan which is N S B and he name that Nazrul Sangat Baik :P Hmm :,( Bye cikgu. Doakan kami. I guess that is all about our DEWA :)
Next up, I shall write about why time flies so fast. Without realising it. Yeahh. Especially people like me who shall be sitting for the biggest and yes toughest exam ever in MALAYSIAAAA. You know what right. Hmm, time passes quickly right now, too quickly to keep track, too quickly to know what's going on. Kan ? Pejam celik pejam celik dah masuk second semester. Exam pun makin banyak. And yes. form 4 chapters for sure shall be examined kan ? Dah nama pun trial. Trial MARA, post trial and bla bla bla. One think that I am absolutely worry about is, what shall I do after SPM ? What shall I be ? Driving license of course nak kena ambik kan. PLKN semua tuu ? Ohh goshhh. I shall miss my peers soon. Nak express my problem to whom then ? Usually, i shall cry to them. Laugh with them :) Mengutuk pun dengan depaaa. How I wish I could invent a time machine ! I just don't want to end my high school life. I love them so so so much ! Just can't define with words people. I rather face the homeworks ADD MATHS then facing the world with variety people with different behaviours and intentions. At least, when I am in school , I know everyone even the teachnicians. They know me well. My friends know me very very well. We've been together for like 5 years already ! It's just that I am not ready not that really ready to face the world. With works and jams. Boss mumbling got fired. Meeting clients ? Whatta. I feel like I am still young perhaps TOO young to do all that ! Like seriously :0 Dearest time, i love you. If dah sekolah habis, tak sure boleh meet up each and everyone of the schoolmates kan ? Impossible laaa. Semua dah bawak haluan masing-masing.
So, to conclude that time is precious. If you use it wisely and precisely, you shall not regret. Trust me :)
The time will pass anyway, we might just as well put that passing time to the possible use
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