Currently, I am enjoying each and every seconds of my ramadhan month in le house. Heee :) Frankly, it wasn't balik bermalam week pun. Lagipun ramai form 5 yang balik today :) Right after school hours ended, we tatata. Tapi, balik maktab balik esoklahh. Sajaa nak enjoy. In fact, we just finished our pre-trial examinations for like three miserable weeks ! Just imagine people. On the month of ramadhan with the exams. It was berkat but yeahhh. Penat kan ? Paper sampai petang. Memang mencabar iman sungguh ! Mana taknya, after second paper around 1 macam tuu. Then balik cube rehat rehat sat, solat and rest for a sec. Then, kena turun dewan balik -,-" Penat weh penat.
It was such a lethargic week. The first week was quite light the subjects. Sejarah, ADD MATHS ! agama islam, bm and chemistry practical kot. Tak silap. OMG. Add Math seriously mental abusing kot. As I looked at the questions, I was like @#$%^^. What the hell maann ? As if I've never entered add math classes before. Seriously. Susah sangat. It's kinda tricky la sebab Cikgu Nora buat. Even silly mistakes pun boleh salah. Anisah anisah -,-" That day I felt totally despair ! Baru ingat nak try target add math 60 and above kan. Hmm, that particular time I just worship to God and hope for the best. I've worked hard for it and let us just leave to God. He knows everything which is good and which is not. Doa doa lahh tak failkan that time. Dah la pre-trial. Other subjects were okay and mundane only. Not that really disaster as ADD MATHS.
Hm, malaslah nak express how I really felt about my exams went. Sometimes, it made me feel like how stupid I am. Dah dah :) What is past is already past. Tawakal je dekat Allah dan banyak banyak berdoa. We finished our pre-trial yesterday. Last paper was Modern Mathematics. The questions weren't that tough but hell yeahh banyak salah jugak kot after re-check with my friends. Entahlahh. Kadang kadang tu kita ingat kita dah jawab betul dah, tengok tengok salah rupanyaaaa. Kecewaaaaaaa. Baik tak payah check :) Easy as that. Eh no. Khamis last paper. Hari ni sekolah ganti for raya haji nanti. Awal kan kami ? Well. If not jumaat ni dah balik dah. But it seems that budak budak yang jauh kena tunggu ticket so we had to wait for them. Nak kasi fair la kononnya. Most of the SBPs and MRSMs dah enjoy their raya dah. I mean like they most probably by this time tengah shopping baju baju raya kan ? Untunglahhh. Unfortunately, depa pun kena ganti sekolah nanti kan ? We all don't need. As the consequence, we shall be back home on this tuesday. Lambat kan ? Sangat lambat wehhh.
I guess that is all for now. Before that , I came across this saying,
" Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer "
Till then, toodles !
Anisahh :)
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