Anisah Zahir.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Such a year

Assalamualaikum and good morning people.

Well, it's been a long long time since i last post. I've been miserably handling my one tough year tho. Today i shall write one special post on what really exactly happened in 2014. My sweet and bitterness and everything perhaps. What tickles my heart and saddens me. Insyaallah.


First year in college.

Earlier this year, i was offered by MARA to continue my studies in KPTM KL. Well, truthfully i've never been there and never heard of it. Although i've applied for it. Orang bengong lagu ni la. Pakai apply ja mana suka mana sedap mana yang further pi overseas. Tak pikiaq susah senang mahal semua. Overall, i've been doing that CAT-ACCA course which practically professional accounting course in which i am totally zero in accounting. Sumpah spm aku budak bio. Pure science. This course is totally differ from other course in which we've been familiar with carry marks and so on kan. But this course I TELL YOU. HARDER THAN WHAT YOU'VE EXPECTED PEOPLE. You don't even think of having carry marks. Not a single percent of carry marks. Totally on final papers. Ha untuk dapat dean lists you have to perform extremely well in your finals. Dah malas nak terang pasal course ni. All i want to say, my first semester was not going that really well. As i hope of course. I at least expected to get an average of 70 %. At least la kan. For a person who has zero knowledge in accounting. Tapi apakan daya. I failed to reach that tho. But nevermind i believe in Allah. He might give something else in other way w different methods of course instead of good results, who knows kan.

End of first semester.

Well on my second semester. I was quite thrilled sebab finally i have housemates ! Hahaha that complete 9 members. Time sem satu duduk sekali dengan senior. So it was kind of controlled la kan. Tak bebas nak buat itu ini. As the seniors went home for semester break. There they were me and syasya je. All alone for couple of months jugak. Second semester was quite good. Ended up to have roomate w syafa and syasya. Well haha we've been friends since form 1 so ha tak payah cakap la. Tak payah nak risau sangat la. Memang satu geng kami tiga. Lagi lima orang ada dekat palam, kuantan cyberjaya, kolej mara kulim. We often contact each other. Subjects were getting tougher. And memang i was terrified tho. My first impression was to at least have skills and score in my FAB paper which stands for accountant in business. Sebab apa ? Sebab it has nothing to do accounting concept. I mean like little je. Not much. It needs complete and deep understanding and most of all in need of profuse comprehension in english. Sebabnya the textbook uses UK language which you have to refer dictionary as you read each line of the text. For me la. Damn sometimes tu you don;t even know the existence of the words. On the positive side yes you would absolutely learn new vocabs kan but hm. Alhamdulillah the lecturer gave her notes instead of reading every lines in the textbook. Tapi exercises dia pergh tok sah habaq la memang payah nak mati la jugak nak paham apa dia nak. Kekadang tu kita rasa dia nak yang negative. But the exact one was in need of positive one. Lagu mana tu nak jawab ? Jawapan dah la sipi sipi ja. But in the end, chapter by chapter, i do understand what the lect explains. But when it comes to exercises fuck. Tak tahu apa. Ya know how that felt aite ? Penah la dapat paing rendah for my quiz haha. Damn that time rasa demotivate sangat. I don't wanna talk about my results here. MA2 was okay. Almost there. FAB almost there. FFA ! I TELL YOU FFA. You spoil everything. I was almost there hmmmmm. May god bless me in abundance in future. Ibu was quite sad w my marks. Although i just told her my MA2 result. Yang lain tu hm jawab okay je la. I was hoping to cry to someone. But nevermind. No one would probably understand. Maybe i have to work a little harder and a little earlier that in should. Then i would have ample time to answer my paper. I believe every marks that i've obtained is what i deserve so far. There's a saying says "Success people do what unsuccessful people don't" So let us all do what success people do. Bukan meniru but at least take them as role model. Look they way they study and try to practice. If it doesn't suits you then try other way. There's possibly many ways. Well certain people work really hard staying up all night but in the end, the marks was not worth they've worked for. This kind of people Allah pays their hard works in different form. Or or maybe it's not the time yet and Allah insists you to work harder and harder sebab Alllah sayang orang yang berusaha ni. Menuntut ilmu adalah satu kewajipan kan ? Insyallah.

End of semester 2.

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