Anisah Zahir.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Such a year (Part 2)

Assalamualaikum and greetings owls ! 

My second post will be about my friends yes friends. Second important people after families. The ones we seek for advices and shoulders to cry on. 

2014 will be my very first year without life being conquered by wardens and rules and scheduled meals. And so-called roll calls. And yes tak payah nak handle SEEDS ! Hahaha that was heaven tho. An unrealiable emc i was. 

In college, i met new friends. At first sedih lah tak dapat satu kelas dengan syafa syasya. Hahaha yes i just can't be apart from them. Ye la they are the one who knew me for who i am. That's one thing. Even mentor pun lain lain. The first time i knew i was in different room with them, dah nangis dah. Then pujuk punya pujuk syasya stay together w me in my room sebab my room ada satu katil kosong. Alhamdulillah cik ros baik kasilah dia pindah my house. First class in college was a little awkward. Mana taknya semua kawan baru baru tak penah kenal langsung. Duduk dengan ika je la. Alhamdulillah she was one of my MRSM mates :) There's one thing that i was proud of. Semua course mate budak mrsm. Alhamdulillah feeling feeling macam dok maktab la kan. Me and ika both of us totally tak ada basics kan. So memang ya allah. Nak nangis la sebab rasa bodoh gila dalam kelas tu. Dengan otak kosong semua. Days by days, i met new friends nabilah izzah semua tu. We became close. And nabilah personally became my private tutor. Rasa syukur gila sebab yeah most of my classmates were acc students. That helps a lot. 

Let me now talk about friends. There are friends which we can rely on. There are friends which we can bully. There are friends which we can express our problems and there are friends which accept your flaws when certain people hate it. And most importantly friends which accept you for who you are. To me, friends are the ones who shall make time for you even they have some other important things to do. Just to comfort you, to lessen your burden and whatever. No matter how much your life goes sucks, your friends would make you laugh somehow. Trust me, this happens. All times i tell you. So far, i'm satisfied with my friend. Friends from primary school, from high school and college. I do still contact my convent friends. They were doing fine. Some were extremely successful. One thing that I am really sure. I do get jealous w their english. They've been talking writing english very very well. They even wrote the drama script by themselves. According to ibu, they even prepared the choral speaking dialog by themselves. Damn they're awesome freaks ! Some kind of brainiacs i presume. We do have difficulties in meeting up. 

High schools, i must say. One of the greatest things happened so far. 2014 taught me no matter how terrible you've gone fight w your friends, in the end, you shall seek to that particular person again. No matter how bad she treated you, but in the end, there's certain angle of her you might be hm macam mana nak kata ha. Hm paham paham lah. Ye la, when you're in college pastu perantau pulak kan, memang way way far from parents, bila sakit, siapa yang kita nak mintak tolong. Kawan jugak kan ? Ha so. Don't just stick to one friend. Kawan la semua orang. Tak kisah la dia cantik buruk pendek gemuk ke apa. Kawan je la. If she chose to not be friending with you, then it's her problem. Snobbish sangat pehal pulak kan. Kawan tu biar seribu. In the end, bila sakit. Kalau nak mintak tolong insyaallah senang. Kadang kadang tu ye lah, dia buat perangai tapi alah manusia. They just can/t run away from mistakes. Friends help you become who you should be. Kan ? 

All in all, friends can sometimes turn out to be your freaking little god giving advices and sometimes would be your enemies fighting over small random things.  

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