Anisah Zahir.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lessons learnt

Assalamualaikum and good night people ! 

Hmm, this time I shall write something that touches the hearts to those who just ended their high school zaman. To be more precise, bebudak lepasan SPM la kan. The moment where I am afraid to face.Certain of my friends just can't wait to end high school moments. But to me, I don't wanna end it. Banyak sebab kenapa I don't wanna end it. Well, high school taught me many stuffs. Erti persahabatan and yeah the way to respect the elderly. Plus, to manage our hygiene and manage time very well. Aku duduk dekat asrama ni for five years and ample stuffs I got to learnt. Contohnya, I got to know how to treasure friends truly. Ye la, duduk dekat asrama ni, 24/7 dengan kawan kawan. Pagi pagi bangun nampak kawan. Pegi kelas pun kawan kawan keliling. PG classes with friends and yeah, during prep pun surrounded with peers. So, hidup mati semua dengan kawan. To me, friends are the second after our family. We shared our thoughts and feelings with them. Ye la, duduk asrama family wasn't around us to tell our problems kan. Instead of calling parents, we can express to our friends. Jangan nak be selective sangat dalam memilih kawan. Kawan, humans kan ? So, there's good and bad about him or her kan. We just have to accept them of who they are. Friendship is about having wonderful moments with our friends and sticking to them no matter what you do or what goes on. Everyday I stick up with my friends and it was a wonderful feeling sharing thoughts and gossiping with them.Okay, back to the topic. 

After all, since I was in form 1 kan, there are seuniors who were damn truly and deeply caring towards us, the form 1 sisters and brothers. Batch pojan. Seriously, they were so concerned towards us. There's one night, ketua aras ground, she came to my cube and taught us how to stretch the cadar properly. Even my batch punya BKA never did like that. Just to say here, they took a very good care of us. And even when I was sick, she came and wipe my body. Usually, seuniors kan famous dengan bully and bla bla bla kan. But, their batch, NOPE. Never. Conversely, they cherish and treasure us. Hehehehe. I guess their batch was the best senior ever. Kak Aina bwp selalu lepak cube kami sambil manghabiskan my kacang. Hahahaha. Her first motive visiting our cube was to find for nokia charger. 

Anisah Zakiah :) 

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