Anisah Zahir.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's called LIFE


Assalamualaikum and good morning pals ! 

I guess you guys must be bored reading my posts. So, if that came across your mind, then just click the 'X' button get out of here. I don't give a damn people. This blog is for someone who knows who I am and to feed all the stalkers out there. Hahahaha :) If you hate me, go ahead. Who cares ? I'm still alive here. Alhamdulillah :) Well, this time I shall write still about my high school which was MRSM KEPALA BATAS. I just don't know why I love talking about it. It gave me many memories and lessons. Okay, the teachers were incredibly awesome you know. What I was trying to say is that, they are double dedicated than you've ever thought. My homeroom advisor in secondary level , Puan Azah was superbly amazing and superb. Every meeting we did, before we start anything, she would most probably came out with ceramah agama. In which it was good for a teenager like us at this age who doesn't even know the world. Yet. She told some stories about Prophet Muhammad , sahabat sahabat and her past students who excel with flying colours just to motivate her sons and daughters. One more thing, she always reminds us especially her Duralumians to correct our niat in study. Maksudnya, dia selalu cakap yang kita ni nak belajar actually motive dia adalah untuk mencari berkat Allah. That's the main motive. Well, that one more or less had realised me that gaining knowledge for the past 2 years not only to get great results in SPM plus to gain HIS blessings. Masa ambang ambang akhir nak SPM, she was already 9 months of pregnancy and yeah she still there to teach us. We can see her face was totally pale man. I just love her. SO MUCH :) It was despair to not meet her again. With her hilarious dialogues which she was so so worried if we made some sort of blurry faces while she explained in front of the class. "Hampa paham dak ni?" "Aku risau le dengan budak budak ni"  

That's her holding her first daughter, Insyirah with our last Chemistry class before Chemistry paper. She was 9 months of pregnancy already and yet she still teaches us. 

Next up, our only caunselor, Puan Haslina. She was totally 100% a truly dedicated teacher. Seriously, the 3rd batch grew up with her. She hold us since form 1. I was kind of close to her. Rapat dengan dia start form 5 sebab kena often meet her about Folio Kerjaya and what so ever. Kadang kadang me and my supaasss suka saja saja datang bilik kaunseling especially during usrah just to escape from usrah. We had crap conversations with her. Discuss this and that. Our future and courses that we should and shouldn't take. One thing that amazed me a lot about Puan Haslina is that she was once said to mak cik like this " Saya rasa antara batch form 5 yang paling saya rapat adalah batch kamu " Lebih kurang macam tu lah. I don;t remember the exact sentence. Okay, itu saya bangga. Nawww :) She even remembered my carrier which was to be a dietary manager. Hahahaha :) I sometimes followed mak cik to meet her. Mak cik cakap cikgu Haslina ni sebenarnya sangat sangat baik. Her attitudes was differ with cikgu jo. But both are great ! About a few times jugak la went to her room to tell my problems. She manage to solve it , yeah perfectly ! And the cake that the form 5 students received on the chemistry paper day, it was her actually. Mak cik asked me to keep it as a secret. Because she said that lah. She felt closed to us. Thank you cikgu. Every time we bumped into her, we would most probably greet her and waved hands to her sampai lambat masuk pg sebab sembang dengan dia. Cikgu ni dia suka merungut macam kids. Hahaha :) She complaint to us about what had happened to her when she became the penolong ketua pengawas for SPM. Hahahaha :) Rindunyaaa dengan cikgu 

Here's Puan Haslina and us. During break :) Heeee. Padahal, that time dah totally late for our pg class. 

Well, I guess this is it.There's so much more teachers that I would love to post about but.I guess next time. Part 2 :) 

Anisah Zakiah 

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