Anisah Zahir.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Examination -,-"

Well , greetings people ! 

Today's post is regarding what i faced for the last 2 weeks. EXAMINATIONN. Ohhhmaaaiii. Students foe for sure. Sapa yang suka exam haa ? Okay , for the first week , got Add Maths, BM , English and SK kot. Add maths on the first week was super duper disaster. BM sekali dgan Add Maths. Peergghh :/ Memang stressful lah jugak. But , luckily we had plenty time to study. Because before this examination starts , we have around 4 weeks ti prepare :) But , i'm not that really well-prepared i guess. Main main dan main. Tak reti nak sedar diri. Add Maths paper was kinda of moderate je lahh. There's some tough questions and some okay okay je. Yang okay pun just index number , log and solution of triangle je lahh. Ohhh maii -,-"

This final semester takes 2 weeks to finish. Memang tension sangat sangat. The second week was kinda of reading reading sikit lahh. For instance , sejarah paper 1, 2, and 3. Math mode moderate-2 je lahh. Nevermind , we just hope for the best. I've worked hard this time. Yeeaahhh , CHEMISTRY. Chemistry falls on monday tu. Yeah , the first day of second week. Luckily , chemistry je on that day. Tak payah nak serabut kepala otak nih. On the friday night , me and ika made ourselves a mug of oldtown white coffee *winkwink* Maklumlah the next day saturday kan. Prep -,-" We studied chemistry. That night we studied electrochemistry. That topic was extremely complicated. It takes time to understand 100%. Azmirah taught us that night. Superb gila diaa. She explains one by one. Words by words. Paahhhaammm :)

Hmm , entahlah. No words that could describe how scared I am with result kali ni. Let's just put fingers crossed and pray to Allah. 3.5 and above , pleaseeee. Amiiinn :) Kita redha dan tawakal. What I wish for now is that I could graduate first class. Tu je :D

Till then , 

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