Anisah Zahir.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Damn tiring -,-"
Assalamualaikum penduduk bumi:)
Well , i shall say good morning now. Errrr, this post for this time is kinda what i felt for this time being :) Hmm , on the last saturday , the english unit just held english camp called " English Is Fun ". This camp involved form 2 students from al-irsyad , permatang to' jaya and al-masyoor. They was cool. Before saturday , on friday , we were asked to come to maktab. Ohhhmaaiii. Kena set up the explorace thingy. We we re informed last mminute. But , it was okay la. Our responsibility. I accept *ayatbajet* Hahaha. I got scolded with teacher mashitah. She yelled at me in front of the helpers and other EMCs. Ada lah yang i did wrong :)
Then , she said she wants at least 4 songs to be played during the explorace. " Saya tak kira , saya nak sekarang jugak ! " In front of the helpers. Ohhhmaaii. That time she yelled right just in front of my face. Just imagineee. I went out with my stuffs and went to the wakaf in front of the vending. Tak taw nak buat apa that time. Called madi and cried to her. Heeeee -,-" Mata sudah bengkak teruk that time.
On the next day , i was expecting the students came by bus. Tapi , they came by parents. That means sorang demi sorang lah datang. Tu pon around 15 stundets tak datang. The programme runs smoothly. At first , agak kelam cakap denagn the form 2s. Lama-2 they were fit with us and the faci. They took pictures with us. They asked our twitter accounts. Most of the activities they enjoyed. Rindu sorang budak ni , nama dia Ifnal kot . He's kinda chubby but damn supporting. His group won the best teamwork :)
*tak larat nak tulis actually :'(*
Here's are some of the pictures that we snapped on that day ,
Till then ,
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