Anisah Zahir.

Friday, January 20, 2012

My luck :)

Hey hey :) Sudah lma tidak meng-update this blog. :) Yeah , busy with the KIKS's stuffs. Outing pon not for very long time. I'm here to story about what happen on the last two weeks. Since i got back to my very and only school. Sesampainya di maktab , i go to the register counter dekat ds. Yes , there's cikgu Suzana and ??.Forgot. Frankly , i was extremely happy sebab i got to stay in aras 1. And yes , Kenanga ! No more Cempaka. I'm free from Cemp. Urghh* Enough of suffering one year in that block with no friends. Seriously relieve. That was the first part. My second part is , when i knew i was placed in 404 class , i was like , oh , oke. Nevermind , i thought maybe i do have my old friends in this class. Mula-mula tu , tak kesah sangat , till then , i searched for my friends in other floor , and asked them. Totally in different classes. Most of them is in 402 and 403. Since that , i cried at lin's cube. Ye la , mna tak sedih , all my former classmates suma , none yang same class as me. Only me. The only 304 in 404 ??!! ARGGHHHH. Seious nangis non stop dekat lin dengan piqah that time.

That evening , we were asked to gather dekat foyer for gotong-royong kelas. Yes , i went in the class alone. Luckily , there's Siti. I sat next to her for the rest of KIKS. After around 1 hour kemas kelas , we went back to our cube. Nasib ad SAIDATUL in my cube and yes my one and only bestie Azmirah , is in the same floor as i am :) Alhamdulillah. Almost everyday , i spend my time at her cube. And yes , her cubemate , Nani. Gosh ! She's so nice. Although kasar sikit , who cares ? I can still be friends with her cmfortly. Thak you. :)

After 2 weeks in 404 , i can finaly adopt myslef in that class. Ye la , nasib class depan sekali , if kelas len lalu , i'll smile to them. Bhahaha. Due to boredness and sleepyness. My former classmates , Luckily , they understand me.Morning mrning , they'll send me to my class. and say , Bye bye Anisah, Awwwww. Just love them so much. :)

Dear Azmirah, Amellia, Dayah, Lin, Nina, Syasya, Syafa. Thanks for such a good friend to me, a friend who knows all about me and loves me just the same. Thank you. :)

Thank you for reading. I love you.

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