Anisah Zahir.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Goodbye :)

Yeah , after around 4 days staying at the most adorable house , i finally have to go back to the one and only jail in Kepala Batas. Bhahaha :) There were many incidents happened during this 4 days of staying. Nevermind , i shall not tell them here publically. Ain't that important. Btw , i'm here to tell you bout what just happened just now at my neighbours' house. Mr. and mrs Tan. They were just gorgeous neighbour i've ever had. Thank you. As usual , every year , me and my family were invited to their house for Chinese New Year open house. As for us , the muslims , were served with Nasi Kandar dishes.

It was cool. Bhahaha :) So long tak makan nasi kandar. Tak pe la , we just walk la sebab sebelah rumah je kan , then , when ibu , kak long and me pegi bhagian counter mkanan , guess what ? ERRRR ! Nasi tinggal separuh periuk je ! And yes , lauk ayam yang sepatutnya ad ayam , tinggal kuah only ! Lauk yang betul2 rupa lauk just tinggal sayur kubis. Daging punya lauk pun tinggal around 2 senduk je. I was like @#$!%% Bukannya orang muslims yang mengahbiskan , the chinese yang menghabiskan lauk2 tu , gosh !

They have better dishes compared us u know. Example : Mihun goreng , char koay teow and many more. Hhahaha :) ABC pon ad , ambik la yang tu , arak pon ad , melantak la suma tu , Nasi Kandar pon nak kebas ka ! Errr* Luckily , Mr Tan save the world.Pity him , terpaksa la pegi Nasi Kandar dekat town tu , tu buy new lauk. His bibik cook the rice specially for us ! Masehh :) Yes , after that ,they served us ayam madu , telur sotong. Thank you :)

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