Anisah Zahir.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the next McFlurry by me :)

ahaha . created by me . credits to AnisahZakiah ! ahaha. pdahal i made it simple and mimple je . firstly , ltak a few scoops of any flavour of ice-cream into the cup , not in small cup yea . nnti tak puas mkan . then , ltak 2 to 3 teaspoons of chocolate rice . eh ! no . before that , ltak Hershey's Shell in top of the ice-cream . Nk ltak yg bukan shell pon ta pe . but , if nk lgi sdap , better ltak yg tu la . bru sdap . then , bru ltak chocolate rice ontop of it . u can put chocolate rice yg colourful tu . but , ikut citarasa sndri la . then , after a few sconds , the hershey's dh kras ! that was the best part . tp , klaw nk ltak oreo pon boleh . tp , mashed the oreo first . tak kn nk ltak yg sbiji tu . finally , it is ready to be serve ! ah . seriously to say that , it was marvelous yaww ! please , try this at home . hrga dy tak smpai rm4 lbih pon , ltak ice-cream bnyk2 , tak rugi pon . lgi untung ader . hahaha . aper aq mrepek ni ??!! wtv- **winks* oritee :) do try yea people ! klaw sdap , tell me ! boleh bgi recipe laen plak . ahax ;p . good luck in trying thE NEXT McFlurry by AnisahZakiah ! =)

Good Luck Peeps .

* Tuesday afternoon sangat hawt ! *


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