yeah , 14 march 2011 today . my birthday , not so happy la . blek2 je rumah snyap . nothing you know . sdih giler . siblings x dk kt rumah . my brother went to ngeri smbilan , ader tournament cricket, it takes a week . and my sis kt uitm la. coming home this wednesday night maybe . urgh ! wad a birthday day to me . but, it was okayy . x kesah pon . i dun hope too much from anyone actually . my sis was the first person who wished me ! thanx kak long ! uhuhu . thinking nk adiah ape ni . =) any suggetsions babes ? fkir2 nk bli beg . but , ayh msti mrah asyik bli beg je . beg menimbun kt rumah and end up , buang je after dh brhabuk . ahahah =) lumrah manusia biase la. minat bags . wad to do . oritee . im truly hungry now . nk mkan burger . bye . catch up later . =)
* Morning mornin' was ''muram''
happy b'day to u!