Anisah Zahir.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Toodles !

yeah ! i'm going back to my Beloved and only scool called MRSM Kepala Batas or known as students' evil jail ever ! ah , it's like a jail of course . Why ?? shhhh! i 'll just keep it as a secret . Kb students' for sure they know why =)) ahax ;) urm , yeah I totally miss my friends a LOT ! but , I miss my family much MORE , oh my ! sweet and bad memories together with my naughty siblings and parents ! aiyo** how am i going to face my school days without them ??!! anyone ?? yeah , every night , me , kak long , ayah , akmal and ibu of course , we'll play a game name JERAMI , in english , the game called ... don't know forgot ! counting days and wondering when is the next holiday ?? Dah la taon dpan BigExam = PMR= yeah , for suree ta balek slalu sngt , dgn studython lgi la , program mentor mantee of course,, busy je keje , yeah , Ibu ngan Ayah are counting on me ;)) haishh ** they are starting to pressure me now , they're hoping for good results from me somehow . ye la , mak bapak mner x nk anak brjaya kn ? uhux +| k la , I think that's all for now , shall continue my posts during my next holidayy ;)) byee peeps ! ♥♥ youu ! Thnx for reading yaw , appreciate it sngt2 , you Guys RAWK !

Nytee honeeys ,
Friday nyte was a BLAST !

= MyFamilyRawkMeWorld = ♥

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