Anisah Zahir.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

frozen Pizza ;p

haish* this frozen was supposed to put in the oven 8-10 minutes . but , i did some differences towards it . for the first try , i put for 3 minutes je . sbab oven kterorg dy style cpat msak twu . then , x pe la . after that , tngk2 mcm x msk lgi tngh2 dy . then , we add for 4 minutes . and still ta msak langsung bawah dy . wink**
credits to my dad . he did sumthin yg x prnh owg buat . he spread buttercup dkt kuali n ltak slice per slice so that bwah dy msak ! and , wallla ! dah msak , tp , x ssdap pizza's la .

Thursday nyte was stunning ;)

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