According to this date, it's been one month one week I stayed and studied here -,- Macam tak percaya pun ada jugak. Ye la, at this moment sepatutnya tengah berehat rehat di rumah memanjakan badan ni after years of struggling for SPM kan. Currently I am alone here in the living room while syafa syasya tengah layan running man. Hahaha sorry I'm not interested in Korea. Except for boys over flower. That's it hihii. Let's talk random stuff. For the past few weeks, I've entered accounting class. Means that dah belajar la debit credit semua tu kan. At first, rasa macam nak give up pun ada sebab time SPM tak ambik Prinsip Akaun pun haha saya budak sains tulen. Entah, I don't feel like taking. Nak pegang duit tu memang teringin la sebab dari maktab lagi three years in a row hold treasurer post. Best gilaaa handling with moneys $$
I start my account study in english language in which guna UK punya standard. Sebab course kami link dengan UK's course something like that la. In which it was certified kan. At the beginning of the class, rasa sangat bengong dan blur. Then lama lama tu boleh la sikit sikit slow slow. Tanya kawan yang took account. Ye la, college life is completely different from high school. Kalau high school, selagi tak faham, selagi tu cikgu terang. But in college you have to stand on your own feet kot. Kena pandai cari masa untuk study extra if tak faham tu. Rajin rajinlah jumpa lecturers kan. The first week tu class senyap je sebab environment baru kan. Lama lama until today, masing masing dah bergurau senda sana sini mengusik. Dah la my class had the least number of guys and the most number of ladies. Hahaha how cool is that huhh ? Limited sangat lelaki. But eventually perempuan banyak la menghiburkan time class is on
Okay bye
Anisah Zakiah :)
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