Hmm , well i currently don't have the exact idea what to post this time. Extremely sesangat sangat bosan sampai tak taw nak buat apa tonight. Dah main game barbie :) Hahaha. Tukar tukar baju. I know that's kinda childish but who cares. I do play racing games sometimes. Game lawan lawan. Syok jugak :D
On this 1st December , well welcome December. All i want to say is that just hoping this month shall be bring happiness to me instead of sadness. Who loves sadness kan ? Hmm. To make it more precise , this month shall be miserable to me. Yes , dengan homeworks yang tak penah penah nak habis. Preparation nak balik maktab and YES ! SPM people :) Not going anywhere this year. No holiday no anywhere. Home and home *bukit noning je keje*
Okay , nak cakap sikit pasal what is life really means okay. Can ahh ? Just wanna share with you guys if you guys wouldn't mind. Thank you :/ From what I've been through , life is obviously temporary. Yes , everything that we own in this world is just temporary. So if things going really good and great , enjoy it because it won't last forever. Cherish your life okay people. And yes , if things going awful and bad , don't worry. It can't last forever either. Peaceee* Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. One thing , life offers you second chance that is TOMORROW. Life is trying things to see if they work :)
One last word :
- Love life
- Laugh lots :)
- Love forever
Till then pals ,
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