love ? alahai , common topic. kalau tak pon , admiring someone kan ? alah , that's normal lah tu. Yes , sometimes love hurts and sometimes love is fun. To me , love x smestinya happy je always. Ad jugak tunggang langgang dy. Tipu lah if x penah gadoh kan spanjang loving happens tu. As Adelle sang , sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead. hahaa. I agree with that lyric because it really happens to me. but , mlas nk cerita psal bnda nih. There's something that minds in my head , Guys. When they admires a girl, they'll try their very best and hardly and even BADLY to win her heart , and bila dah dpat , ignore je pompuan tu. Eh , ingat pompuan ni bnda yg disposable ke ap hah ? bole pkai pastu nk buang sesuka hati mak nenek dy. ( hahaa , sorry ) haish**Any answer to this satement ? And yes , bila rasa bosan je , baru nk carik kita kan ? Bila time seronok ,belaa lahh ! Lyan mcm sampah pon ad. yes , worse than that , (maybe) I bet mesti ad yang penah jadi mcm ni kan , In fact , memang lah tak sume laki mcm ni , but MOSTLY , yes. no doubt lahh. Sometimes tu , when i need you so badly , you weren't there. Yes , im the one yang selalu excited cita itu ini. And you : 'owh'. 'oke'.That's all. I wished for a better and yes the best response from you. Postive and yet long texts for me to smile. Lantaklah orang nk kta kita gila snyum sorang2 , tak kisah pon. =,= As if i'm the one yang syok sndri. Tak ke pelik suma nih ? Hishhh* ap nk jadi ? Sometimes , i wondered kan , all the words , sweet and sour words yg dituju kpada kita , adakah benar smata2 ? hmm , pening jadinyaa. What should we do to know the truth ? No use lahh if we asyik mrah2 je kan , other than marah ? any ? Now , i'll just keep my mouth shut , and do nothing. When you love , you get hurt.When you hurt , you get hate.
p/s :Remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect.
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