Assalamualaikum kepada pembaca-pembaca yang sudi. hahaa. nampak gmbar dekat ats nih ? they're my friends ! Seriously miss them so badly ! ye lah , mna x rindu. pagi2 mnghadap muka yang sma ja. sampai pkul 4.30 petang or even 5 over. tu pon smetimes we go to cafe and melantak. then , around 6.55 tu we go dinner together. hahaa. almost everyday , i went to aras 3 ken panggil azmirah ! hahaa. tu pon sumtimes have to wait for her. hmm , wait for her to smayang asar ! ahax. Lepas tu , wait for the ground punya penghuni. then , we head to ds together. hahaa.
Lepas tuh , prep around 8 dah start. then , yah prep for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. hahaa. besides me nina dengan amelia. behind me azmirah , lin,syafa , syasya. kadang2 tuh , mlas nk study , automatic pkul 10 pusing kerusi blakang, and starts our kedai kopi.=) alah , pusing2 mesti ad cita yang sensasi. Wahh ! mcm melodi pulak. Hahaa , kmi cita ja suma bnda yang kami taw. shared the stories together. kdang2 , gelak smapi x ingat dunia. smpai budak2 laki tngk smacam. We ignored. =,= Then , lepas prep pegi ds dlu , have our supper and drink. we take our seats sambilminum and tngk tv kejap. Lepas tu , bru pegi smayang kat surau. hahaa. orang lain suma pegi surau dlu , but , kmi pegi makan dlu =) bru khusyuk perut penohh.
During prep tu kadang2 , before buka buku , amelia , me and nina mostly akan pegi melawat vending machine. hahaa. Saja2 nk hbiskan time prep. Ahahaa. Jalan pon lenggang2. If nampak ustad or ckgu jo , mnyorok lah jwbnya. Then , lepas pegi vending machine, melawat toilet sbelah kelas tuh , hahaa. apa guna toilet dekat2 , gunalah sebaik-baiknya. kan ? pegi jalan2 dekat kelas orang kejap. buat2 nk pinjam buku dekat form 2. heee. That's us.
Every night time maghrib , we'll pray close to each other. i mean mcm smayang dekat2 lah , in one row tu kmi lah. hahaa. then ,as soon as hbis salam tu , hmm mcam biasa kami buat halaqah sendiri. hahaa. the private one. bukannya halaqah agama pon. sembang merepekk ja. =,=". that's us ! We were born this way. Still remember when few months before pmr kan , before gila2 pnya struggle , tiap petang , ahaa, we'll play the netball. and yes , slalu plan nk turun lmbat magrib. Toksah kata , dalam buku ldp, oftenly our names in it. hahaa. who cares ? we enjoyed.
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