Anisah Zahir.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

boring Holiday !

hello girlfriends and boyfriends ! totally bored here ! ayah's not here . kak long too ! urgh . ayah balek this sunday evening kot . kalaw tidak balik jumaat tu , but , he's going to watch the football atch between kelantan and ?? i dun know . hahaa ! Fanatic gilaa ! yeahh , Klantah FC ! hahaa. my sis went backhome last friday night by train dgn kawan dy aina, sadly , dy blek punya la awl , that sunday morning around 9.30 in the morning , dy x smpat breakfast bcoz ibu that time bru blek dripsar with me . hahaa . but , aina arrived early sbab bus pkul 10 kot . hahaa =) tnggal akmal , ibu and me kt rumah . Just noe bru blek tngk wyang dgn cousins . tngk karak . and yeah , it was my second time watching it . Forced to la . klaw tidak kna tman my cousins watch kung fu panda ! ta maw , x minat cartoon2 ni .ngeee- hmm , maybe esk ibu fetch my cousins dkat lunas tu , and have sleepover at our house for couple nights je kot , they will start their school this sunday dhh =) but ,im going balek mktbb ari isnin ! argh , that was the only the best part for this holiday . hahaa .

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